Tailored Treats: Why Your Dog's Unique Needs Deserve Treats Created for Them

Tailored Treats Why Your Dog's Unique Needs Deserve Treats Created for Them

Dog treats often serve a purpose, whether we mean to reward them for good behavior or give them a treat to train them. But what about giving them treats that help them lead a better quality of life? Treats, much like our dog's food, can do so much more for our pups than just act as a reward. Here's why your dog's unique needs deserve treats created for them and how you can start meeting those needs with the right treats.

Food As a Medicine: Why Does Your Dog Need Tailored Treats?

It's important first to identify why tailored treats are necessary in general. In today's dog treat market, it's not uncommon to find dog treats filled with ingredients that aren't beneficial for your pup. Some of these include animal byproducts, fillers that don't offer any nutritional benefits or even harm your dog's systems, and other dyes and additives. Turning your attention over to tailored treats ensures that your dog is getting the healthy, high-quality ingredients they need to thrive.

More than that, tailored treats focus on food as a medicine. Like humans, dogs need certain foods in their diet to lead a healthy life. However, when something goes wrong and they're dealing with an impactful condition, you can introduce certain foods to try to battle the symptoms of that condition and improve their overall quality of life. Granted, there are other strategies that you can use, but treating certain foods as a means to make your pup healthier can be an excellent first step toward helping them feel better overall. With all this in mind, you might be wondering, what exactly does this look like?

Examples of How Tailored Treats Can Improve Your Dog's Health

It's not enough to know that picking the right treats can make your dog feel happier and healthier. You have to see this in action. So, what are some examples of how choosing the right treats that are tailor-made for your dog's needs can help them?

Let's imagine that your pup has kidney disease and has been placed on a low-protein to protect their kidneys and improve overall kidney function. You're going to want to make sure that you're properly caring for them while also choosing goodies that won't put their health at risk. In this scenario, you can choose treats for dogs with kidney disease that are made for dogs on a low-protein diet with healthy ingredients such as pumpkin, white rice, milk thistle powder, and only a tiny bit of chicken.

Another major issue that dogs face that can be worsened by the wrong foods or the wrong treats is diabetes. You don't want to give your dog treats that can put them at risk of obesity and further complications stemming from it, which is something that a lot of mainstream treats can contribute to. In this instance, you can choose diabetic dog treats that lack all of the additives and sugar you might find in other treats and only contain delicious, healthy ingredients like dehydrated chicken, turkey, or beef.

Deciding to switch to tailored treats that are designed for your dog can make all the difference in the world when it comes to their quality of life. When you feed them right, they're able to receive the nutrients they need and avoid all of the bad ingredients. But who can you turn to to get the tailored treats you deserve?

Find the Right Tailored Treats for Your Dog at Dogdeli

Here at Dogdeli, we're dedicated to helping you feed your dogs delicious treats made from simple, all-natural ingredients. Whether you need tailored solutions, training treats, or even treats designed for puppies, you can find everything you need in our collection of products. Shop now or contact us if you have any questions!

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