DogDeli Blog - Everything About Air-Dried Natural Dog Treats

  • What Treats are Suitable for Diabetic Dogs?

    Don’t miss out on giving yummy treats to your dog; however, diabetic dog treats need to meet some specific guidelines. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be delicious, nutritious and appealing. Not all treats are safe, so it’s important to read labels carefully and study the ingredients.
  • Can Dogs Eat Duck Necks? Is It Safe?

    Duck necks provide a number of nutritional benefits in a dog's diet. They introduce important minerals like calcium and phosphorous as well as being a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin, which are both known to aid joint health as dog ages and arthritis begins to settle in. Duck necks are all-natural, safe, and fully-digestible chews. They can also support canine oral health and clean teeth.
  • Can Dogs Eat Special Spices?

    When you're choosing the perfect treat for your dog, you want to look for something that's both nutritious and delicious. While there are a number of dog treats brands on the market offering different flavors and ingredients, many dog owners wonder if dogs can eat spices. Dogs don't need spices in order to stay healthy, and some spices can be detrimental to their health. But certain spices do provide nutritional benefits for our pets, especially pets with specific health conditions.
  • Why Dehydrated Chicken Chips are Good for Training?

    If you have a dog, then you know that dog treats are almost a necessity. Treats are incredibly useful for training your dog and for rewarding him for good behavior. 

    We all enjoy giving our dog a treat now and then. Often though, it is not safe to share human food with your dog. For moments like this, it is a good idea to have nutritious, healthy treats available.

  • 7 Dog Training Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know

    When you adopt a dog, you are adopting a new member of your family. Inviting a dog into your life is incredibly rewarding and comes with multiple benefits, however, just like a child, a dog needs to be taught what is and what isn't acceptable behavior. To have the most positive relationship with your beloved pet, it is important you train them properly. If this seems quite overwhelming, don’t worry! Below we outline 7 training tips that everyone should know to make training your dog as easy as possible…
  • Why DogDeli Chews Stand Out From Other Dog Treats

    Dog chews and treats are a great way to keep your pup happy while ensuring that he stays healthy as well. In particular, dog chews are the easiest way to prevent dental problems in dogs. With so many different types of chews on the market, it is important to choose an option that is safe and healthy for your furry friend.
  • 3 Benefits of Low Protein Dog Treats

    Every pet owner wants the finest things for their best canine friend. Grooming, hygiene and exercise are all important aspects of keeping your dog happy and healthy. Just as important, if not more important, is making sure your dog eats a healthy and balanced diet. A good diet can be one of the best things that you can provide your dog to keep them healthy for years. That's why low protein dog treats might be a useful addition to your dog's diet.
  • Are You Feeding Your Dog Raw Dog Treats?

    Most of the time, dog owners find it hard to believe that it is actually healthier to treat your dogs to an all natural diet than subject them to t...
  • What to Do if your Dog Has a Dog Food Allergy?

    When it comes to the adversities one faces, we know that allergies can become a daily struggle. Some of us are allergic to peanuts while others mus...
  • Dog Birthday Treats

    Dog Birthday Treats We love celebrating each other's birthdays with cakes, candles, and presents, but what about man's best friend? There are actua...
  • Dog Treats for Training

    Dog lovers everywhere know the ongoing drama of training their pups, whether they are a full grown rescue dog or a brand new puppy. From potty trai...
  • Dog Treats That are Bad for Dogs

    There is so much focus today on the quality of ingredients in the food we serve our canine companions. We pour over ingredients in the food aisles ...